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Pegasus flights

Popular Pegasus flights with stops

List of popular flights with connections where no other airline has flights without stops flights.

Pegasus: most popular flights

Flight # From To
PC 1531 ADB Izmir STN London
PC 1091 SAW Istanbul BCN Barcelona
PC 1252 AMS Amsterdam SAW Istanbul
PC 3307 IST Istanbul ADB Izmir
PC 388 SAW Istanbul VKO Moscow
PC 1001 SAW Istanbul DUS Dusseldorf
PC 1532 STN London ADB Izmir
PC 1851 ECN Ercan COV Mersin
PC 740 SAW Istanbul DXB Dubai
PC 1092 BCN Barcelona SAW Istanbul
PC 1253 SAW Istanbul AMS Amsterdam
PC 386 SAW Istanbul VKO Moscow
PC 747 SHJ Sharjah SAW Istanbul
PC 1099 SAW Istanbul MAD Madrid
PC 389 VKO Moscow SAW Istanbul
PC 1002 DUS Dusseldorf SAW Istanbul
PC 1251 SAW Istanbul AMS Amsterdam
PC 741 DXB Dubai SAW Istanbul
PC 3306 ADB Izmir IST Istanbul
PC 1254 AMS Amsterdam SAW Istanbul
PC 387 VKO Moscow SAW Istanbul
PC 1100 MAD Madrid SAW Istanbul
PC 1884 ECN Ercan ESB Ankara
PC 1885 ECN Ercan ESB Ankara
PC 1883 ECN Ercan ESB Ankara
PC 1142 LYS Lyon SAW Istanbul
PC 1141 SAW Istanbul LYS Lyon
PC 979 SAW Istanbul BER Berlin
PC 980 BER Berlin SAW Istanbul
PC 1861 ECN Ercan ADB Izmir
PC 1576 AYT Antalya VKO Moscow
PC 1853 ECN Ercan COV Mersin
PC 746 SAW Istanbul SHJ Sharjah
PC 1577 VKO Moscow AYT Antalya
PC 1852 COV Mersin ECN Ercan
PC 1891 ECN Ercan GZT Gaziantep
PC 8040 ESB Ankara AYT Antalya
PC 8041 AYT Antalya ESB Ankara
PC 1882 ECN Ercan ESB Ankara
PC 512 SAW Istanbul IKA Tehran
PC 1169 SAW Istanbul STN London
PC 1170 STN London SAW Istanbul
PC 1003 SAW Istanbul DUS Dusseldorf
PC 517 IKA Tehran SAW Istanbul
PC 996 FRA Frankfurt SAW Istanbul
PC 1004 DUS Dusseldorf SAW Istanbul
PC 995 SAW Istanbul FRA Frankfurt
PC 1863 ECN Ercan ADB Izmir
PC 1217 SAW Istanbul BLQ Bologna
PC 1218 BLQ Bologna SAW Istanbul